Identifying and developing the talent and potential of people and organisations in the agribusiness and rail industry sectors, I prepare individuals for career opportunities in a globally connected world and match the skills of local employers with the available workforce. My experience in education, workforce development, career guidance, innovation and lifelong learning is central to my work. Using career guidance techniques, my ability to match clients’ skills, interests and aspirations with their personality preferences for different careers is underpinned by certification as a Majors PTI (Personality Type Indicator) assessor.
We all know the world of work is changing. Industry 4.0, casualisation of jobs, automation and artificial intelligence – a world where machines carry out tasks human once were able to do. How can you remain career relevant in this changing environment? The skills, knowledge and qualifications you started your career with are going to
I recently read an article about why resumes sink to the bottom of the pile in the job search. Often there are tens, if not hundreds of people, applying for the one position, so I thought this title was appropriate. Many people have this sinking feeling when they are continually rejected for a potential new
I recently attended the SITCE conference in Singapore, with my colleague Dr Anna Fraszczyk from Mahidol University in Thailand, where there were many rail professionals in attendance. We were invited to discuss the challenges of people at the heart of digital railways from our specific contexts in a panel session. Events such as these provide
In my work as a Career and Talent Consultant, I assist people to make career changes and apply for new jobs. My role is to support and mentor each person through their unique career change process. I am always interested in what makes people able to move successfully from one position to another in a
As the year moves to the halfway point, many people will be looking forward to a recreational break. Before going on leave, it is helpful to consider your achievements in the first half of the year and whether you have completed any of your personal career goals. If training or professional development was on your
Whatever your stage of career, many people find themselves unhappy or lacking motivation and direction so this month I am going to write about some options you have with your career. Life circumstances can throw unexpected challenges at our career such as redundancy, company mergers or the fact that you have simply grown out of
We are three months into 2018 already! How are your plans going to think about and develop your career? Making plans to work on self-improvement through your career is often overwhelming and we just don’t give it enough time. This month we will look at what you can do to develop your career plan. Any
Organisations have a defined mission and objective, established to achieve certain goals. Whether they are a state (public or government) or private organisation, your employment with any organisation is about fitting in with their objectives rather than meeting your life goals. While some people find fulfilling roles within organisations, many times, people often go through