You are Railway Talent

" The most important motive for work is pleasure in work, pleasure in its result, and the knowledge of the value of the result to the community. "

Albert Einstein

Opportunities through Railway Talents

join railway talents in 3 steps

You are a Rail Talent and you want to share your experience and learn from your peers

Create a free login

Create an account to join your peers and Special Interest Groups to share your experience and learn from others, access resources and courses, contribute to a learning community.

Create a profile

Tell who you are, what are your expectations and how you could contribute to a thriving community.

Engage with the Rail Talents community

Once registered you can join Special Interest Groups, publish information, access learning modules, etc.

Guide and Connect Within and Beyond the Railway Industry

Help Rail People and Companies Learn, Transmit & Develop

Learning and development opportunities

Special Interest Groups

Join one of our special interest groups to get detailed information about a particular subject within railways.


Join any of our events to meet people within the railway industry and learn about new opportunities.


Brows our learning opportunities where a variety of material is available for you to learn from.


Join the global network of Rail Talents